Amsterdam is a modern and liveable city where e-mobility and renewables are strategic. The municipality has set ambitious policies to reduce fossil-fuelled cars, which are increasingly taking effect, resulting in an extensive EV charging infrastructure and a carbon-free energy system. Yet, traditional EV charging resulted in increased power demand and congestion. Thus, there’s high motivation towards flexibility coming from smart EV charging.

Use Cases


Vehicle-to-home integration with HEMS for renewables’ integration and tariff optimization in prosumer and consumer homes.

Expected impacts

The demonstrator contributes to a larger uptake of smart EV charging in Amsterdam, given the city’s decarbonization goals and growing grid congestion challenges. Specifically, it tests the benefits of V2B (vehicle-to-building) for the energy management of large sport facilities, when considering both public events and day-to-day staff operations. In addition, the demo tests the overall effects of the added V2B flexibility in the stability of the city’s distribution grid.

Business model

This demo’s main business model is based on the value added from flexibility services offered by EV owners to the manager entities of multi-sport facilities. Two scenarios are studied: 1) During events (weekends), with public EV charging, for alleviating grid demand peaks; 2) During day-to-day week office operations, for reducing the surplus of solar generation and thus reducing power injection to the grid, as well as reducing grid congestion. Further grid benefits can be explored in collaboration with the DSO by means of optimized charging and demand management.


  • EVs users

  • Distribution System Operator

  • City Council

  • Event spaces


Meet the partners in Amsterdam (V2B)