Budapest is the capital and the most populous city of Hungary. While e-mobility penetration is still low, it is growing with the help of tax and city benefits. Most privately owned EVs are owned by life estate owners, who are keen on modern home improvements with renewable and smart energy management solutions.

Use Cases


Vehicle-to-home integration with HEMS for renewables’ integration and tariff optimization in prosumer and consumer homes.

Expected impacts

This demonstrator tests behind-the-meter energy management strategies in smart homes via V2H (vehicle-to-home) operations. It will assess the impact of V2H on demand load curves, comparing it with the profiles of both homes with traditional EV charging and with fossil fueled passenger vehicles. It also study the establishment of smart home energy communities based on e-mobility enhancements.

Business model

This business model generates value for homeowners by leveraging energy savings from prosumer tariff optimization and greater uptake of renewable energy. In this context, bidirectional EV charging is interpretated as an additional source of flexibility, working in tandem with home energy management systems.


  • EVs users

  • Renewable energy clusters

  • Distribution System Operator


Meet the partners in Budapest (V2H)