R&I on Electricity Distribution & Power Systems Analysis

The Delft University of Technology is the oldest and largest Dutch public technical university. As of 2022 it is ranked by QS World University Rankings among the top 10 engineering and technology universities in the world. With eight faculties, it has more than 27,000 BSc and MSc students and 6,600 employees. In Drive2X, TU Delft is involved in multiple workpackages and is workpackage leader of WP 6. TU Delft’s primary goal in WP5 is to develop scalable and advanced machine learning algorithms that optimize the charging schedule of electric vehicles at a city-wide level. The objective in WP 6 is the modelling, evaluating, and testing the effects of V1G and V2G charging strategies on the EV battery degradation and lifetime. In WP 7, TU Delft is responsible for the development of low power, solar integrated direct DC EV charger capable of V2G and standalone operation. Additionally, in WP8, TU Delft will conduct comparisons of various intriguing V2X use cases, providing valuable insights into their potential applications.


Pavol Bauer

Full Professor, ESE Dept., EEMCS faculty

Peter Palansky

Full Professor, ESE Dept., EEMCS faculty

Sergio Grammatico

Associate Professor, 3mE faculty

Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani

Associate Professor, 3mE faculty

Gautham Ram

Assistant Professor, ESE Dept., EEMCS faculty

Pedro Pablo Vergara

Assistant Professor, ESE Dept., EEMCS faculty

Simon Tindemans

Assistant Professor, ESE Dept., EEMCS faculty

Gautam Rituraj

Postdoctoral Researcher, ESE Dept., EEMCS faculty

Carina Engström

PhD Researcher, ESE Dept., EEMCS faculty

Stavros Orfanoudakis

PhD Researcher, ESE Dept., EEMCS faculty

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