Communication & Social and Business innovation

ICONS is a private non-profit organization, whose mission is to boost impacts on society from EU funded research via public and inclusive science communication, stakeholders’ engagement, social and business innovation. For more than 20 years ICONS has developed and implemented communication, engagement and exploitation strategies to generate awareness, social acceptance, uptake of research results while measuring their impacts via dedicated KPIs.

ICONS brings robust expertise from working with different and multidisciplinary partnerships and European entities like the European Commission, ETF, EFSA, EIOPA, and EBA. Awarded for the Horizon Results Booster initiative, ICONS excels in steering research for societal impacts.

Within the DriVe2X project, ICONS leads Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication activities, while playing an active role in the analysis of user experience and behavioural models of V2X end-users​.


Francesco Agresta

Dissemination & Communication Officer

Leonardo Improta

Junior Dissemination & Communication Officer

Giuliana Folco

Business Analyst

Claudia Crippa

Business Analyst

Other partners