Innovation upscaling and human behaviour

TNO is an independent Dutch research organization established by law in 1932 to provide research in engineering, natural sciences and social sciences to serve the public interest. Today TNO is one of the major applied research and technology organizations in Europe, organized in units focusing on the most urgent themes for society including the energy transition.

Within DriVE2X, as a research partner, TNO is involved in most work packages, being in the lead for the human dimension work package. Besides TNO makes important contributions to create the project’s long term vision and scenarios, to develop validated flex solutions and tools for smart charging and to enable V2X upscale at large scale.


Bart Kaas

Mente Konsman

Carlos Montalvo Corral

Pim Piek

Charlotte Smit-Rietveld

Omar Usmani

Maarten Verbeek

Harry van der Weijde

Hein de Wilde

Other partners